Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Last week of Summer Vacation

Okay, is anyone else feeling stressed about getting ready for this next school year?? I'm having the hardest time keeping my house in order now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it while transporting Nick to school and homeschooling Joe. From football practice every night of the week 6-8:30pm to getting to school on time. I'm feeling the pressure! Then Nick starts soccer in a few weeks after school. I'm in a weird stage of disorderly mess. I'm constantly searching for my own socks in the clean pile of clothes and on a real backed up day my underwear! I can never find matching shoes for Nate! And someone always goes poop when I'm ready to leave. The dishes and laundry are a constant. I can't figure out why I continue to find random choking hazards in my house. Like the broken hangers I keep finding in the hallway. No one fesses up, it is a mystery! Why in the world does Ally have a penny in her mouth AGAIN! I just put it up... how did she get it again?? And while I'm clearing the penny from Ally's mouth Nate pulls the gate down. Nate and Kate run off to my bathroom to play with the bath faucet, trying to soak themselves or anything else they can find. I'm sitting in my half wet bathing suit perplexed at all life throws at me everyday! And most of the time I'm just not energized enough to keep up with it. My back aches every morning I wake up as I begin thinking of what is to come of the day. I must go shower and put the glass back in the cabinet door that fell out earlier and replace the hose on my vaccum. Always something!

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