"Two little twins pooping in their beds. One diaper fell off and overflowed the bed!
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more twins pooping in their beds!"
Don't I wish it would be just as easy as a phone call to the doctor! I think I may just become a doctor after this weeks go around of bloody noses, vomit and poop. Plus a lice scare at our church!
The toddlers and I were able to make 3 out of 5 days of VBS. Finally, I was able to help be apart of something instead of being limited to babysitting all the time. It was awesome getting to help out at church. It was the highlight of my week and life lately! And although it was a long day for the toddlers, it was fun for me to get out of the house and enjoy assisting in Nick's class for once!!
As for the rest of the week it was a record high of poopies here! Kate continues to wake up completely soaked in poopy diapers, it has become her daily bm. This week she added a bloody mess to it. I think it was Tuesday morning. She awoked with a blood crusted nose and stained bed sheets. Not just a little dribble of blood but about a dinner plate size stain on her crib sheet! It was definitly R rated looking! I made a call to the Doctor right away and they said it was normal as long as she stopped bleeding and wasn't bleeding from anywhere else. After putting neosporene in her nose and a humidifier in the room at night, she hasn't had any more. Thank you Lord!!
Today was definitly the record for worst good morning wake up stink! Nate was up at 6 am throwing up. Once he settled down, I went to get the girls and found Kate completely soaked in puke & diahreah. As for Ally... I just couldn't tell if her diaper leaked or if she had puked or both! Poor babies!! I can't believe they sleep in it like that, what is the deal?? They were a huge mess this morning! What have we done to deserve this??? Every day this week I've had to strip their sheets and hose down the cribs with clorox!
So our family has been plagued with the stomach flu today. I think Ally must of brought it home. Tues she woke up from nap covered in vomit, I thought at the time it was just a reaction to switching to milk. But Nate, Kate and Joe have it now. And Joe just finished throwing up all over the floor. I couldn't help but get a little irritated since he is 12 and should know to get to the toilet or sink or vomit bowl or something other than the carpet and tile!!!!!!!!!! It was a mess! So 4 of the 5 are sick for today and I'm sure we'll all have our turn! Hip Hip Hooray!
My jug of bleach is getting low!
Thankfully I scheduled the cleaning ladies to come today. Perfect timing! I just pray they don't get sick too!