Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

I'm realizing my blog posts have become very long and wordy these days. The reason being that I want to record all these amazing moments of my life and never forget what we all are making it through!! I'll turn it into a book for the kids to read and enjoy one day when they consider having their own children. Plus it is just one of those things I've started to look forward to doing and boy do I need more things like that in my life!!

Today, I don't even know where to start. All I know is from 4 pm on it was complete and utter chaos. It all started when I caught Nick fighting in the front of the house with our neighbor Again. He contested in his most whiny voice he had forgot he was not allowed to fight and continued to cry about being grounded for the rest of the afernoon.

Then while preparing to sit and eat dinner I couldn't help but smell the foul duty before me. Both girls were nice and dirty with leaking diareah pants. Just what I want to see and smell before I eat! Their diapers were so overflowing I had to give them a bath. And not only were their diapers overflowing but I found more corn in their stools from over 3 days ago! Grotty!! In the midst of all this I'm yelling commands at the boys, "Eat your dinner.. you better not get out of your seat!" Finally, I get the girls ready for bed and Kate head buts me in the mouth and splits my lip! I don't even know what else to say but Oy! After taking a minute to consider how bad the split lip is I remember I do need to eat and now I can return to my cold dinner. And just as I sit to eat I laugh in wonder over why everyone keeps asking, "Wow, how do you lose the weight after twins?" And I think next time I'll reply with either, "It's called the Stress Full Diet," Or ,"It's called Cold Dinner Diet" Because that is how I end up eating, cold food at the dinner table that just isn't that appealing anymore. Or I eat standing over the oven shoving food in my mouth before one of the girls tries to climb off the back of the couch. No wonder I'm losing all kinds of wieght .. I don't have time to eat and I'm either chasing 3 toddlers or carrying them x3. Craziness!

So besides climbing all over the couch, chairs etc. the girls are now continually biting each other, pulling hair and grabbing for wanted toys. On the cute side, they do hold hands while sitting in their carseats with their blankies and want to cuddle with Adam or myself constantly. Nate and the girls have also found a new hiding spot behind a chair in the corner where they play. It is cute to go peek in on them. When I get a moment I'll try to remember to catch a pic to post to the blog.

The only other living thing I'm leaving out from the day is Hunter our new gecko. Yesterday, Adam and Nick brought home pizza and a lizard! Supposedly, Nick talked him into getting the lizard at PetsMarket (That's what he calls it) while they waited to pick up pizza. Nick came running into the house showing off his new lizard in a covered soup container. In the meantime scaring the living day lights out of the poor creature! It still won't come out from its cave! Nate loves it and keeps repeating over and over, "I likey leezzard! I likey leezzard" and "Leezzard eat cupcake" He thinks the fake cactus in the lizard home is a cupcake, so funny!!

So before the lovely night ended I did find Ally screaming cause her arm was caught in a desk drawer and before that had to confiscate two choking hazards from her and then wrestle a toy out of Katelynn's hand which ended in a fitfull tantrum!!

Thankfully the girls are now quietly asleep!

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