Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Amelia Island

The boys had a blast at the beach!


  1. Looks like such a fun weekend. Love the photo of the boys in the beach. You look super cute and skinny in your photo.
    Us Mom's need little get-a-ways from everyday life, like the laundry, cooking and cleaning. Looks like you had a Wonderful time!

  2. Jen,
    I just finished reading the post about the gymnastic class. I couldn't help but laugh and feel your pain. It is crazy how life can seem like it is ok at one second and then the next it NUTS! What a blessing it is to have these 5 monkeys we have been blessed with but what a challange they bring. I was happy to read that you and Joe laughed rather than cried. You are giving Joe such great training... he will be a wonderful husband and father. Keep him by your side and put him to work! I would be happy to help with the girls while you go to gymnastics. In fact Maizie was wanting to take, is it a all boys class? We might be able to work out getting her going in it and carpool something we can talk about. I love you... I love to watch you in action. You are Amazing! I KNOW that husband and wife at Nick's class looked at you and thought "WonderWomen"
    I am ready for our nightly walks so we can share our Crazy stories that come with having 5 kids.
    Keep your head up!
